News, Views & Truths (05/07/21)

It’s coming home.  Apparently.  Possibly. Probably? …What is a guaranteed, nailed-on, dead certainty, is that it’s the start of another week, heralded by the latest News, Views and Truths.

News, Views & Truths (28/06/21)

Hello, everyone and welcome to another week; I hope that you have all refreshed and recharged your batteries, albeit amidst the murk of the past weekend’s weather.  Never mind, allow me to brighten your Monday with another News, Views and Truths.

News, Views & Truths (21/06/21)

Hello, everyone and welcome to the start of another week.  As the world’s economy reopens, there are plenty of topics to discuss and so, with enthusiasm, let us kick off this week’s News, Views and Truths.

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